About Vulvarplasty
Having an enlarged vulvar area can create many gynecological issues for girls and women. We make available vulvarplasty (labiaplasty included) at the Caring Center for Women to patients for medical purposes. Vaginal hypertrophy can be visible at birth in infant girls as a birth defect. Older girls and women may develop this condition over time from a deficit in their hormones, weight loss, childbirth, or trauma to the external vaginal area. In fact, we offer surgical services for females that may have an asymmetrical vulvar area. When there is a problem with the amount of skin in this area, unfortunate side effects and illnesses can materialize. This surgery is not just about correcting an aesthetic anomaly.
One of our five accomplished board-certified OBGYNs (Drs. Teresa Irwin, Barrett Blaue, Kari Fay, Beth Reid, and Brittney Schumann, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.) or our board-eligible OBGYN (Dr. Lauren Hermann) can examine this area to determine if there is a medical necessity to reduce any section of the vulva. From infancy to the golden years, our doctors will provide amazing care to ward off a lifelong problem with vulvar hypertrophy. We see patients for this condition at our New Braunfels, TX office.
Vulva Hypertrophy Concerns
While some women have cosmetic surgery to make their vulva look a certain way or better after childbirth or weight loss, most women (and sometimes infant baby girls) have medical reasons why they need a reduction in this delicate area, such as:
- Pain and irritation
- Discomfort in sitting, wearing form-fitting underwear or pants, physical activities (biking, walking, running, and more), and wearing sanitary pads
- Hygiene difficulties after urination, menstruation, and bowel movements from not being able to clean the area properly
- Chronic urinary tract infections (continuous bacteria collection in the vulva)
- Uncomfortable or painful sexual intercourse (dyspareunia)
- Low self-esteem and poor mental health from having this quality of life issue
- Socially isolated because of embarrassment of the issue
Treatment Options
A vulvarplasty can be performed by your urogynecologist to reduce the amount of excess skin in the vulvar area. The vulva consists of all the external organs of the vagina. When one or more parts of the area are enlarged or distended, this becomes a health issue that cannot be corrected without the help of a surgeon.
This corrective surgery typically takes between 1 – 2 hours to complete, depending on how much of the vulva needs to be reduced. In the hospital, you will have your surgery under a general anesthetic. Your surgeon will carefully make incisions to remove the excess skin from the treatment area and reconstruct the shape. The incisions will be closed with dissolvable sutures and you will be taken to the recovery room. An overnight stay is not usually needed but is based on your surgery.
Other Considerations
Once you are discharged from the hospital, you will need to take it easy and limit physical activity that may lead to swelling or bleeding (engaging in sexual intercourse, exercising, douching, or using tampons). After your follow-up appointment (usually in 4 – 6 weeks after the procedure), your doctor will examine your surgical site and determine if you will be able to resume those activities. If you have any questions about how to care for your skin after vulvarplasty, you can contact our office at any time. We are here to provide you with great care for a healthy recovery.

Seeking Relief & Labial Health
Learn how vulvarplasty can reclaim your sexual wellness and life without the chronic vaginal pain and irritation from excess skin. Seek relief and gain your quality of life with one of our highly skilled doctors at the Caring Center for Women in New Braunfels, TX. We will assess your need for surgery in a one-on-one consultation.