About Tubal Ligation
A tubal ligation procedure is a long-term method of birth control where the surgeon seals off or cuts the fallopian tubes in order to prevent pregnancy. This is also known as having your tubes tied or tubal sterilization. The Caring Center for Women offers interval tubal ligation, minimally invasive surgical ligation, and tubal ligation at the time of a cesarean section. One of our five highly qualified board-certified obstetrician-gynecologists (Drs. Teresa Irwin, Barrett Blaue, Kari Fay, Beth Reid, and Brittney Schumann, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.) or our board-eligible obstetrician-gynecologist (Dr. Lauren Hermann) can discuss all your treatment options in detail during your consultation to determine which one is best for you. If you have completed childbearing and are interested in getting your tubes tied, call our practice in New Braunfels, TX today to learn more about tubal ligation.
Treatment Options
All tubal ligation procedures are performed at an accredited surgical facility. We offer the following three methods of tubal ligation:
Interval tubal ligation
Interval tubal ligation is the least invasive sterilization as it considered an outpatient procedure and utilizes and short-acting general anesthesia. Once the procedure is done, patients will be free to return to their daily activities.
A mini-laparotomy is done right after a vaginal birth. This method is very quick and minimally invasive as it only requires a small incision under the belly button. With proper care, the incision will heal within a few weeks.
Cesarean tubal ligation:
A cesarean tubal ligation is performed in conjunction with your cesarean surgery. Our surgeons will use the same incision as your cesarean to access your fallopian tubes for a dual procedure.
Other Considerations
A tubal ligation procedure is recommended for women who do not wish to become pregnant or who have completed childbearing. Your recovery will be dependent on your personal case and type of technique was used. After your procedure, it is normal to experience discomfort at the incision site but this will subside in the weeks that follow. We will discuss all post-operative care before you are released from the hospital. You will be able to bathe 48 hours after your procedure, but be gentle when cleaning the incision. We recommend patients avoid sexual intercourse and strenuous activity until you are fully healed.

pregnancy prevention
If you are ready to tie your tubes, then call our office today to learn more about tubal ligation. Drs. Irwin, Blaue, Fay, Reid, Schumann, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., and Hermann are disciplined in the latest surgical techniques to provide safe and effective pregnancy prevention. At the Caring Center for Women, we can also recommend nonsurgical preventive methods for women who are not ready for a long-term solution. Schedule your private consult today.