About Ultrasounds & SOnograms
One of the more exciting aspects of a pregnancy is having ultrasounds to see images of your developing baby. During an ultrasound appointment at the Caring Center for Women, we are proud to offer traditional, 3D, and 4D technologies to capture images inside your body. The sound waves in an ultrasound produce the image (sonogram), which can be a flat, 2D image. Our OBGYNs also offer 3D and 4D for a more in-depth view (with and without movement) you will be able to see on a monitor during your appointment. Some of our imaging is not covered by insurance when not medically necessary. The more advanced ultrasounds (3D and 4D) can also help identify developmental abnormalities and birth defects better than a traditional ultrasound. The office in New Braunfels, TX both has ultrasound and sonogram equipment on site for your convenience.
Treatment Details
There are many different types of ultrasounds you could have during your pregnancy. We believe that the benefit of our ultrasound technology is the capability to produce imaging during your pregnancy in a noninvasive way. There are many different types of ultrasound we can use to monitor the early development of a baby during pregnancy, and help identify problems or birth defects, such as:
Pelvic ultrasound
An ultrasound performed on the abdomen and vaginal area is called a pelvic ultrasound.
Trans-abdominal ultrasound
The trans-abdominal ultrasound can produce a 2D image by using the technology on the abdomen.
3D ultrasound
A 3D ultrasound can give you a better visualization of your baby than a standard printed sonogram. Certain birth defects can also be detected in 3D imaging.
4D ultrasound
While not covered by insurance, the 4D ultrasound produces a video of your baby in the womb. You will be able to see him or her moving around during this type of ultrasound.
Doppler ultrasound
If you have a diagnosis of gestational diabetes, a Doppler ultrasound may be used to assess the blood vessels in your growing fetus.
Transvaginal ultrasound
The transvaginal ultrasound involves a transducer or "wand" that is inserted into the vagina for the doctor to be able to capture images in the beginning stages of your pregnancy.
Other Considerations
If you would like to have family members come to your appointment with you, we highly encourage you to limit visitors to immediate family in limited numbers. At the Caring Center for Women, we understand that you want to share the joy of your pregnancy with your loved ones. We will accommodate family participation in an ultrasound appointment.

Dedicated to Excellence
If you would like to inquire about our ultrasound and sonogram services, please call and schedule your appointment at our New Braunfels, TX office. This imaging technique is a wonderful opportunity to see your baby in real time and monitor developing details in different stages of your pregnancy. Your personalized patient experience is important to us.