About Our Fertility Services
If you are thinking of starting or building on to your family, we offer fertility consultations at our New Braunfels, TX facility at the Caring Center for Women. When you are over the age of 35 or are having trouble conceiving, we recommend being evaluated to make sure you are not experiencing infertility. Women who have trouble conceiving a baby may exhibit the following symptoms or conditions:
- Irregular or a lack of menstrual cycles
- Extremely long (35+ days) or short (21 or less) menstrual cycles
- Experience painful periods
- Obesity
- Pelvic inflammatory disease
- Endometriosis
- Irregularly shaped uterus or fallopian tubes
- History of having multiple miscarriages
- Past cancer treatments (radiation exposure or chemotherapy)
At the Caring Center for Women, our doctors have served women in Central Texas for more than 25 years, which also includes the evaluation for infertility. We are here to help women in all stages of their reproductive years. If you are age 35 or older and have been consistently trying to conceive with your partner for at least 6 months with no success, we recommend that you be tested for an infertility issue. If you are age 40+, we recommend starting your journey to motherhood with fertility testing as soon as you decide to begin.
Testing Details
Ovulation Testing
Your OBGYN can perform an ovulation test to see if you are releasing an egg during ovulation. When there is a rise in your luteinizing hormone (LH) level, an egg should be released. We can also take a blood sample to check your hormones for problematic levels. When necessary, we can measure the quantity and quality of the eggs within your ovarian reserve, which involves a blood test for your hormone levels during particular phases of your menstrual cycle. We can also measure the quantity and quality of a woman’s egg supply. A woman’s ovarian reserve is evaluated by blood tests that examine hormone levels on specific days of a menstrual cycle.
The sound waves in an ultrasound can help your doctor diagnose infertility. An ultrasound can create a diagnostic image (a sonogram) of your female reproductive system, which may show abnormalities, growths, and irregular shapes within your uterus. The technology works outside of the body.
Transvaginal Ultrasound
Transvaginal ultrasounds can not only be used to view a pregnancy, it can also show your OBGYN the possible causes of infertility. This ultrasound is performed by having the ultrasound "wand" inserted into the vagina so that your doctor can see the uterus and ovaries. Our team looks for growths, fibroids, and abnormalities in the uterus, ovaries, and fallopian tubes.
Other Considerations
If there is an infertility condition that requires the assistance of a reproductive medicine, our doctors would be happy to work in tandem. We may refer certain cases to an infertility specialist for assisted-reproduction treatments.

Looking For Answers?
Drs. Irwin, Blaue, Fay, Reid, Schumann, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., and Hermann are all here at the Caring Center for Women to help you find answers and treatment to your fertility issues. With your best interest at heart, we will recommend testing, treatments, and lifestyle changes that may be the answer you are looking for to get pregnant. Schedule a private appointment today.